School Operating Protocols (Updated September 17, 2021):
over 2 years ago, Bering Strait School District
MAP TESTING! - School MAP testing will begin on September 20th and may continue through the 8th of October. Please make sure students are getting a good night's sleep and are prepared to do their best.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
A "Do Not Disturb, Testing" sign
OPEN GYM STARTS SEPTEMBER 20th! - Unless we are otherwise directed by BSSD Protocols we will have Open Gym starting on Monday. All students MUST have turned in their signed "Student Handbook" forms to be able to attend.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
A happy emoji
AEC ELECTION REMINDER! - Two seats will be open for the AEC this year. If you are interested please come by the school to fill out a Candidacy form before the 24th of September. Elections will be October 5th.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
SEPTEMBER AEC MEETING! - The Martin L Olson AEC will meet Monday night, September 13th, at 6:00 pm in the Library. As we are still following BSSD COVID-19 protocol only staff and AEC members may attend this meeting. Please see the agenda on our documents page. Contact the school if you have any questions.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
SUICIDE PREVENTION WALK! - Please join together with MLO staff and students this evening to participate in our Suicide Prevention Walk. We will meet in front of the school at 7:00 pm.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE! - Anyone 8-12 grade student interested in volleyball needs to see Bam after school. It's time to start practices!
over 2 years ago, M L O School
A Vollyball on a gym floor
BACK TO SCHOOL REMINDER! - We will be back on our regular schedule on Tuesday, the 7th. Students who are considered "Direct Contacts" cannot return until September 17th, assuming they have had all negative COVID test results. We will have schoolwork and meals prepared for a family member to pick up, or contact the school if we need to deliver. "Marginal Contacts" may return on the 7th after receiving negative COVID test results.
over 2 years ago, Alan Davis
PRACTICES! - Cross Country running practice will resume Monday the 7th. Volleyball practice will also start next week.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
A picture of hands and a vollyball and a picture of legs and shoes running.
RETURNING TO SCHOOL ON TUESDAY! - School will be back to our normal schedule on Tuesday, September 7th. We will continue to wear masks for that week and there will be no Open Gym. For more detailed information see BSSD's post, the Updated Operating Protocols on our Documents page, or call the school.
over 2 years ago, Alan Davis
BSSD School Operating Protocols (Updated September 3, 2021):
over 2 years ago, Bering Strait School District
COACHES & REFEREES NEEDED! - If you are interested in coaching or refereeing this year please contact our Activities Director, Cherilyn Guy, at the school - 779-3021. If we cannot get committed referees we cannot host.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
A "Help Wanted" sign
NO PRACTICE THIS WEEK!- Due to the school being on Code Red, and the recommendation by NSHC that the village be on lock down, there will be no Cross Country practice the rest of this week.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
An image of a runners legs & shoes
SCHOOL ON CODE RED! - We have at least one positive COVID-19 case in Golovin and 17 close contacts in the school. Because of this school will be open to staff only for the rest of this week. Teachers will have work ready for students to be picked up with meals by mid-morning. Please contact the school at 779-3021 for more information.
over 2 years ago, Alan Davis
A sad face emoji
BSSD School Reopening Family Letter for the 2021-2022 School Year:
over 2 years ago, Bering Strait School District
MIGRANT ED SURVEY! Did your family or part of your family make any moves from your home to do any subsistence activities? Did you spend at least 1 night/ 2 days on your trip? OR have a total of 7 nights/ 8 days within the past 36 months in a 12-month span? If you answered ‘YES’ to these questions, your child(ren) may qualify for the Migrant Education Program! Please take the time to complete the survey or contact: Robert “Bam” Moses, Jr. at the School. (907)779-3021 ext. 2240 Link to survey:
over 2 years ago, M L O School
A variety of herbs and berries
LETTER FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT! - A letter from Dr. Bolen has been added to the documents page of the school web site. This letter will help explain our plan for how the first few weeks of school will relate to the current COVID conditions. We will send a coy home with students as well.
over 2 years ago, M L O School
SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW. AUGUST 23! - - Welcome Back Students! - Secondary Home Room will start at 8:45 and 1st Period starts at 9:00. DON'T BE LATE! - The BSSD "No Cell Phone" policy is still in effect - DO NOT BRING YOUR CELL PHONE TO SCHOOL!
over 2 years ago, M L O School
BACK TO SCHOOL! Students return to school on Wednesday August 25th. The first two weeks school will be released at 3:00 pm. After Labor Day we plan to be back on to our normal schedule. A copy of the current School Year calendar is posted on our "Documents" page. WELCOME BACK!
over 2 years ago, M L O School
"Back to School"
AEC Positions Opening! - There will be two AEC positions up for re-election this year. Public notices will be posted at the stores, EDA building and the Post Office. Affidavit of Candidacy and Eligibility are available at the school.
over 2 years ago, M L O School